The Ministry of Health will amend Order No. 104n dated February 28, 2019, which establishes the procedure and deadlines for the approval and approval of clinical recommendations (CR). The draft document is published on the regulation.gov.ru portal.
Amendments to the order were prepared on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, follows from the explanatory note. It is expected to reduce the time of administrative actions in the process of approval and approval of the RC.
Thus, the responsible department will now check the compliance of the clinical recommendations received for consideration with the established requirements, not 20, but 15 working days. And if the ministry receives several CDs for one disease, condition (group of diseases, conditions), they will have to be sent to the federal expert organization for evaluation in a day, and not within three calendar days, as it is now. Also, one day is given to officials to respond to the developers of recommendations if they do not meet the requirements.