Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to visit the stand of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education “Center for Postgraduate Education of Medical Specialists”, which will take part in the XI St. Petersburg International Health Forum PMFZ-2023!
The St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education “Center for Postgraduate Education of Medical Specialists” (SPb GBU DPO “TsPO SMP”) provides training for specialists with secondary medical education in programs of additional professional education and new generation programs, taking into account the modernization of healthcare in the Russian Federation.
The main objectives of educational activities at the Center are to increase the basic basic level of students, improve professional skills, teach innovative technologies and methods, plan and prepare their work, the ability to assess the situation, make decisions and analyze work activity.
Every three years, the Committee for Science and Higher Education conducts an independent evaluation procedure (IEC) in relation to the implementation of the educational activities of all professional educational institutions.
Over the past years, according to the results of an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities, St. Petersburg GBU DPO “CPO SMP” occupies a leading position among other educational institutions, gaining the highest score according to the results of the NOC.
If you also want to present your services to healthcare professionals, follow the link and become a participant in the exhibition dedicated to the healthcare industry.