We invite you to the round table “HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES”, which will be held as part of the XI St. Petersburg International Health Forum PMFZ-2023!
LLC “Expert” Analytics Center”
Muravyova Kristina Yurievna
Key questions for discussion:
transition to a risk-based approach in working with patients;
development of health-saving technologies and work with the medical community
Rozanov Alexander Vladimirovich – Assistant Director for Regional Development and Federal Projects (Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center RNRMU named after N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia), Candidate of Medical Sciences, general practitioner, geriatrician, cardiologist, Russia
Naumov Anton Vyacheslavovich – professor of the department, head of the Laboratory of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, general practitioner, rheumatologist, Russia
Babak Sergey Lvovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Pulmonologist
Take part: https://pmfz.expoforum.ru/ru/registracija-posetitelej/