On October 4, 2023, at the site of the St. Petersburg International Health Forum, the project “Women’s Movement of United Russia” is implementing an educational session within the framework of the “Women’s Health” direction.
Women’s health requires a holistic and comprehensive approach, including regular screenings, education, support and access to care.
We all realized a long time ago that quantity does not mean quality. The abundance of incompetent information on the Internet has dire consequences.
The main goal of the educational platform is an open dialogue between women and representatives of the medical community, the opportunity to obtain reliable information about pressing issues of preserving and maintaining health, modern methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases, ask questions and get answers first-hand.
We invited expert level specialists and present you with brief information about each:
Oncology issues today are issues of a national scale in any country, which can only be resolved by joining efforts at all levels – society, business, government. Together we can and must cooperate in providing competent information, reducing the level of anxiety and fears regarding cancer, increasing the level of responsibility in matters of maintaining health and the importance of prevention and medical examination.
1. Tatyana Yuryevna Semiglazova – head of the scientific department of innovative methods of therapeutic oncology and rehabilitation of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N.N. Petrova, oncologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Specialist in the field of oncology and rehabilitation, with extensive experience.
2. Olga Alekseevna Smirnova – doctor – oncologist-gynecologist, National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N.N. Petrova, Ph.D.
Prevention and health care, maintaining a healthy lifestyle today are obvious tools that help save financial and time resources.
Treating a disease always takes longer and is more expensive than preventing it.
How to support yourself mentally and physically, reduce the factors causing diseases, increase stress resistance and launch adaptive mechanisms?
3. Albina Vladimirovna Ovchinnikova – ideologist and head of the “RehabSpace” project, specialist in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. She has expertise in the field of rehabilitation after various illnesses and injuries, especially important for women.
4. Zulay Ziyavdinovna Ibragimova – head of the department of dietology and nutritionology at X-Clinic, nutritionist, gastroenterologist, general practitioner. She specializes in nutrition and dietetics and can give useful advice on proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
5. Olga Aleksandrovna Chashchina – head of the medical service, head of the neurobioregulation department at X-Clinic, psychotherapist. Specializing in psychotherapy and neurobioregulation, she can help with problems of mental health and emotional well-being.
The moderator of the section will be Irina Igorevna Saleeva, medical tourism expert at the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N.N. Petrov Ministry of Health of Russia. She will facilitate the event and coordinate the discussion.
Events, meetings, seminars, webinars and lectures will be held at the Moscow site of the Women’s Health area on a regular basis.
We are confident that the section will be rich and useful for all participants