Accreditation of Russian and foreign media for the XI St. Petersburg International Health Forum (SPIHF-2023), which will be held at Expoforum from October 4 to 6, has begun.
You can register for the event using this link. Accreditation in English is available when you switch to the English version of the site.
More than 6,500 participants and visitors from Russia, Belarus, India, China, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan are expected at the Forum. Over 200 authoritative speakers will take part in 60 scientific and practical conferences. More than 55 companies will present achievements in the healthcare sector at the Forum’s exhibition.
Industry, government and business professionals are invited to participate in the event: heads of federal and regional government bodies of Russia and CIS countries, large medical organizations, compulsory medical insurance funds, leading educational and scientific organizations, experts, representatives of non-profit and public organizations, business and the patient community.
On October 4, the main event of the Forum will take place – the plenary session “Modern healthcare planning for a metropolis”. The experts’ focus is on the development of a healthy urban environment in Russian megacities: modern approaches to managing the healthcare system, the introduction of information and communication technologies, eliminating the shortage of paramedical personnel and doctors of narrow specialties.
Among the key events of the business program are: St. Petersburg Expert Forum on Medical and Health Tourism, All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “BRICS Medical Rehabilitation. Prospects for the development of medical rehabilitation in the modern world”, Interregional scientific and practical conference of the North-Western Federal District “Medicine and quality. Ensuring the quality and safety of medical activities”, as well as a number of scientific and practical conferences, round tables, thematic sessions and discussions.
The thematic focus of the Forum is discussion of issues of specific specializations, including: oncology, cardiology, psychiatry, rehabilitation, pediatrics, reproductive medicine, urology, plastic surgery and transplantology.
The programs of 12 specialized events were submitted for evaluation to the Coordinating Council for the Development of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education (CME Council) in the specialties of the target audience.
A bright component of the Forum will be the Youth Forum “QuantoriUM “YOUNG MEDICINE”. For the younger generation, there will be four thematic platforms, where practical master classes “Choosing a profession” and “Communication skills in helping professions”, a hackathon “Smart technologies in medicine” will be held, will present educational and professional development opportunities, and teach skills to behave in emergency situations. and first aid.
At the Medical Industry Exhibition, developers, manufacturers and suppliers of modern medical technologies, medical equipment and devices, medicines and special clothing for medical personnel will demonstrate their achievements.
The Republic of Belarus will present a collective stand with leading research centers on the basis of which scientific developments and research are carried out: the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology and the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Cardiology”.
At the collective stand of St. Petersburg State University and the Clinic of High Medical Technologies named after. N.I. Pirogov will host the opening of the exhibition “Soldiers of Mercy of the Great Patriotic War”. The exhibition is dedicated to the feat of nurses – soldiers of mercy during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War.
The exposition at the Forum will be presented by participants from 18 Russian regions, Belarus and India.
The Business Contacts Exchange will operate for three days. Individual business meetings, business dialogues and negotiations will be held at the international platform to search for new customers, suppliers, partners and investors.
The “Art of Health” Festival starts simultaneously with the congress program.
Visitors to the Forum will be treated to an educational program and consultations from leading experts on oncology, motor rehabilitation, dietetics, nutrition, psychiatry, gynecology, plastic surgery, etc. Guests and participants of the event will be able to visit the “Territory of Health” platform, undergo diagnostics, and receive recommendations from narrow specialists, listen to interesting lectures and take part in master classes.
Traditionally, the Forum will host a competition of innovative solutions, which is held to accelerate the commercialization of scientific developments and promote them in the domestic and foreign markets.
The Forum has been held in St. Petersburg since 2013 and is a key international event in the field of healthcare. The event promotes the implementation and achievement of indicators of the national projects “Healthcare” and “Demography”, the federal project “Development of