All promotional opportunities


Advertising on the official website and social media of the event Unitrub.,VAT 20%
Placement of the Client’s news on the official website of the event in the “News” section for one weekpcs.5 600,00
Placement of the Client’s textual and other information on the event’s social mediapcs.3 400,00
Placement* of the Client’s banner in the official event mailings (invitation to participate, informational, results)
*At least 3 mailings
pcs.22 400,00
Advertising on printed materials* (catalog, guide/program)
*The final list of printed materials is determined at the discretion of the Directorate

These materials are distributed among event participants during the event days, and the electronic version is posted on the event website

Publication of a color advertising module* of the Client inside the event catalog
*The layout is provided by the Client
pcs.28 000,00
Publication of a color advertising module* of the Client inside the event guide/program
*The layout is provided by the Client
pcs.28 000,00
Placement of the Client’s logo (exhibitor-participant of the exhibition) on the event’s exposition planpcs.22 500,00
Advertising on souvenir and informational products of the event  

These materials are distributed among event participants during the event days, and the electronic version is posted on the event website

Insertion* of the Client’s advertising and informational materials (printed/souvenir products) into the participant’s portfolio
* The quantity depends on the portfolio print run
pcs.33 000,00
Placement (display) of advertising materials on the territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the event days  
Placement of the Client’s advertising materials* at the registration desks during the event days
* Materials are provided by the Client
pcs.27 500,00
Placement of the Client’s advertising materials* at the information desks during the event days
* Materials are provided by the Client
pcs.27 500,00
Broadcasting of audio/video clips on the territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center  
Organization of the demonstration of the Client’s informational video (up to 20 seconds, without sound) during the event days (1 screen)
– seamless screens of the small passage
– Directorate stand
– SCALA (plasma panels in the registration area)
* Materials are provided by the Client
pcs.24 500,00
Announcements (1 broadcast) and advertising via radio transmission in Russian/English (45 seconds) during the event dayspcs.5 000,00
Advertising placement on the territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the event days  
Placement* of the Client’s advertising structure (roll-up or other structure up to 1 m wide) on the internal territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the forum days
*The placement location is agreed upon with the Client additionally, and the installation and dismantling of the structure are carried out by the Client
pcs.24 000,00
Placement* of the Client’s advertising structure (structure wider than 1 m) on the internal territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the forum days
*The placement location is agreed upon with the Client additionally, and the installation and dismantling of the structure are carried out by the Client
pcs.35 000,00
Placement of layouts on individual advertising media (IAM)  
FACADE FRAMES – internal
Placement (including printing, installation, and dismantling) of the Client’s layout* on the internal facade frames of the passage located on the territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the event days
* The layout is provided by the Client (up to 10 days)
pcs.210 500,00
Placement (including printing, installation, and dismantling) of the Client’s layout* in a lightbox located on the outdoor territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the event days
*The layout is provided by the Client
pcs.13 200,00
Placement (including printing, installation, and dismantling) of the Client’s layout* on the entrance groups — “porch” construction, located on the outdoor territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the event days
*The layout is provided by the Client
pcs.18 000,00
FACADE FRAMES – external (outdoor)
Placement (including printing, installation, and dismantling) of the Client’s layout* on the external (outdoor) facade frames located on the outdoor territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center during the event days
*The layout is provided by the Client
pcs.190 500,00
Reprinting and installation of layouts for advertising media
(In case of replacement of layouts by the Client after the deadlines for printing and installation)
Reprinting and installation of advertising in the lightbox of the small passage/foyer of the Convention Centerpcs.4 500,00
Reprinting and installation of advertising in the lightbox on the outdoor territory of the Convention Centerpcs.4 500,00
Reprinting and installation of advertising on entrance groups (porch)pcs.4 500,00
Reprinting and installation of advertising — internal facade framepcs.38 500,00
Reprinting and installation of advertising — external facade framepcs.38 500,00

Conducting promotional events

Accreditation of the Client’s representative (1 promoter of the Client) to work* outside the exhibition stand
* Distribution of advertising, attracting visitors to the stand (1 person, Client’s personnel)
pcs.23 000,00
Opportunity to conduct a promotional event in the* event area
* The format of the event and the area are agreed upon additionally
pcs.47 250,00